Clay Jewelry

Showing 1–9 of 14 results

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  • Lavender Small Flower Bunch

    * These Earrings are Handmade using Polymer Clay FIMO from Germany and are and are Light Weight, Waterproof, Quite Strong. * Weight 1.8 gm each, Length 2.5 cm  approx. (Vertically from top with hook)* If status is SOLD, please contact Seema at 0091-9980472151 to place your order. * These can be customized in any color of your choice. * Kindly Note, Although I try to make a replica of first design, but since these are handmade items there can be a 10-20% variation in every repeat order. 
    498 Select options
  • White Marble Doughnut Earrings

    * These Earrings are Handmade using Polymer Clay FIMO from Germany and are and are Light Weight, Waterproof, Quite Strong. * Weight 2 gm each, Length 6 cm  approx. (Vertically from top with hook)* If status is SOLD, please contact Seema at 0091-9980472151 to place your order. * These can be customized in any color of your choice. * Kindly Note, Although I try to make a replica of first design, but since these are handmade items there can be a 10-20% variation in every repeat order.
    399 Add to cart
  • White Pink Flower Ball Earrings

    * These Earrings are Handmade using Polymer Clay FIMO from Germany and are and are Light Weight, Waterproof, Quite Strong. * Weight 1.9 gm each, Length 2 cm  approx. (Vertically from top with hook)* If status is SOLD, please contact Seema at 0091-9980472151 to place your order. * These can be customized in any color of your choice. * Kindly Note, Although I try to make a replica of first design, but since these are handmade items there can be a 10-20% variation in every repeat order.
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  • Yellow Black U shape Earrings

    * These Earrings are Handmade using Polymer Clay FIMO from Germany and are and are Light Weight, Waterproof, Quite Strong. * Weight 1.8 gm each, Length 4 cm  approx. (Vertically from top with hook)* If status is SOLD, please contact Seema at 0091-9980472151 to place your order. * These can be customized in any color of your choice. * Kindly Note, Although I try to make a replica of first design, but since these are handmade items there can be a 10-20% variation in every repeat order.
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  • Pink Blue Flower Earrings

    * These Earrings are Handmade using Polymer Clay FIMO from Germany and are and are Light Weight, Waterproof, Quite Strong. * Weight 1.8 gm each, Length 3.5 cm  approx. (Vertically from top with hook)* If status is SOLD, please contact Seema at 0091-9980472151 to place your order. * These can be customized in any color of your choice. * Kindly Note, Although I try to make a replica of first design, but since these are handmade items there can be a 10-20% variation in every repeat order.
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  • Cyan Pink Lotus Hoop

    * These Earrings are Handmade using Polymer Clay FIMO from Germany and are and are Light Weight, Waterproof, Quite Strong. * Weight 3 gm each, Length 4 cm  approx. (Vertically from top with hook)* If status is SOLD, please contact Seema at 0091-9980472151 to place your order. * These can be customized in any color of your choice. * Kindly Note, Although I try to make a replica of first design, but since these are handmade items there can be a 10-20% variation in every repeat order.
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  • Cyan Pink Triangle Earrings

    * These Earrings are Handmade using Polymer Clay FIMO from Germany and are Light Weight, Waterproof, Quite Strong * Weight 3 gm each, Length 4.5 cm  approx. (Vertically from top with hook)* If status is SOLD, please contact Seema at 0091-9980472151 to place your order. * These can be customized in any color of your choice. * Kindly Note, Although I try to make a replica of first design, but since these are handmade items there can be a 10-20% variation in every repeat order.
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  • Cyan White Lotus Hoop

    * These Earrings are Handmade using Polymer Clay FIMO from Germany and are Light Weight, Waterproof, Quite Strong * Weight 3 gm each, Length 3.5 cm  approx. (Vertically from top with hook)* If status is SOLD, please contact Seema at 0091-9980472151 to place your order. * These can be customized in any color of your choice. * Kindly Note, Although I try to make a replica of first design, but since these are handmade items there can be a 10-20% variation in every repeat order.
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  • Black White Stripes Red Heart Valentine Earrings

    Black White Stripes Red Heart Valentine Handmade Polymer Clay Earrings
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Discover the Unique Beauty of Handmade Clay Jewelry

Jewelry has been a part of human culture since the beginning of time, and it continues to be an essential accessory for many women today. The evolution of jewelry design has brought about various styles and materials, and handmade clay jewelry has emerged as a popular choice among women. 

Seema is a talented jewelry designer and maker who has a passion for creating stunning and unique jewelry pieces. Her handmade jewelry pieces are crafted with great attention to detail and incorporate a variety of materials, including clay, metal, and beads. Seema’s designs are inspired by nature, art, and culture, and she constantly strives to create pieces that are both beautiful and meaningful.

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