Hanging Earrings

Showing 1–9 of 26 results

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  • Lavender Small Flower Bunch

    * These Earrings are Handmade using Polymer Clay FIMO from Germany and are and are Light Weight, Waterproof, Quite Strong. * Weight 1.8 gm each, Length 2.5 cm  approx. (Vertically from top with hook)* If status is SOLD, please contact Seema at 0091-9980472151 to place your order. * These can be customized in any color of your choice. * Kindly Note, Although I try to make a replica of first design, but since these are handmade items there can be a 10-20% variation in every repeat order. 
    498 Select options
  • Turquoise Mini Flower Bunch

    * These Earrings are Handmade using Polymer Clay FIMO from Germany and are and are Light Weight, Waterproof, Quite Strong. * Weight 2.1 gm each, Length 2 cm  approx. (Vertically from top with hook)* If status is SOLD, please contact Seema at 0091-9980472151 to place your order. * These can be customized in any color of your choice. * Kindly Note, Although I try to make a replica of first design, but since these are handmade items there can be a 10-20% variation in every repeat order. 
    498 Add to cart
  • Mini Pink Flower

    * These Earrings are Handmade using Polymer Clay FIMO from Germany and are and are Light Weight, Waterproof, Quite Strong. * Weight 1.3 gm each, Length 3 cm  approx. (Vertically from top with hook)* If status is SOLD, please contact Seema at 0091-9980472151 to place your order. * These can be customized in any color of your choice. * Kindly Note, Although I try to make a replica of first design, but since these are handmade items there can be a 10-20% variation in every repeat order.
    249 Select options
  • White Blue Flower Face Earrings

    * These Earrings are Handmade using Polymer Clay FIMO from Germany and are and are Light Weight, Waterproof, Quite Strong. * Weight 3.5 gm each, Length 4.5 cm  approx. (Vertically from top with hook)* If status is SOLD, please contact Seema at 0091-9980472151 to place your order. * These can be customized in any color of your choice. * Kindly Note, Although I try to make a replica of first design, but since these are handmade items there can be a 10-20% variation in every repeat order.
    765 Add to cart
  • White Pink Flower Ball Earrings

    * These Earrings are Handmade using Polymer Clay FIMO from Germany and are and are Light Weight, Waterproof, Quite Strong. * Weight 1.9 gm each, Length 2 cm  approx. (Vertically from top with hook)* If status is SOLD, please contact Seema at 0091-9980472151 to place your order. * These can be customized in any color of your choice. * Kindly Note, Although I try to make a replica of first design, but since these are handmade items there can be a 10-20% variation in every repeat order.
    498 Select options
  • Light Blue Flower Earrings

    * These Earrings are Handmade using Polymer Clay FIMO from Germany and are and are Light Weight, Waterproof, Quite Strong. * Weight 1.6 gm each, Length 4 cm  approx. (Vertically from top with hook)* If status is SOLD, please contact Seema at 0091-9980472151 to place your order. * These can be customized in any color of your choice. * Kindly Note, Although I try to make a replica of first design, but since these are handmade items there can be a 10-20% variation in every repeat order.
    487 Add to cart
  • Pink Blue Flower Earrings

    * These Earrings are Handmade using Polymer Clay FIMO from Germany and are and are Light Weight, Waterproof, Quite Strong. * Weight 1.8 gm each, Length 3.5 cm  approx. (Vertically from top with hook)* If status is SOLD, please contact Seema at 0091-9980472151 to place your order. * These can be customized in any color of your choice. * Kindly Note, Although I try to make a replica of first design, but since these are handmade items there can be a 10-20% variation in every repeat order.
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  • Valentine Rose Flower Bouquet Earrings

    * These Earrings are Handmade using Polymer Clay FIMO from Germany and are Light Weight, Waterproof, Quite Strong * Weight 3 gm each, Length 4 cm  approx. (Vertically from top with hook)* If status is SOLD, please contact Seema at 0091-9980472151 to place your order. * These can be customized in any color of your choice. * Kindly Note, Although I try to make a replica of first design, but since these are handmade items there can be a 10-20% variation in every repeat order.
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  • Peach Rose Earrings

    * These Earrings are Handmade using Polymer Clay FIMO from Germany and are Light Weight, Waterproof, Quite Strong * Weight Approx 3 gm each, Length 3.5 cm  approx. (Vertically from top)* If status is SOLD, please contact Seema at 0091-9980472151 to place your order. * These can be customized in any color of your choice. * Kindly Note, Although I try to make a replica of first design, but since these are handmade items there can be a 10-20% variation in every repeat order.
    897 Add to cart

Statement Hanging Earrings That Make Heads Turn

Step into the world of Seema Clay Jewelry, where the art of craftsmanship converges with the grace of elegance in our exquisite hanging earrings collection. With great joy, we invite you to explore the beauty and allure of our ear hangings that are designed to captivate hearts and elevate your style to new heights. Each piece in our collection reflects our unwavering commitment to craftsmanship and attention to detail, ensuring that you experience sophistication and refinement with every wear. Discover the unique charm of our ear hangings as we take you on a journey through the artistry that defines our creations.

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