Flower Earrings

Showing 1–9 of 16 results

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  • Turquoise Mini Flower Bunch

    * These Earrings are Handmade using Polymer Clay FIMO from Germany and are and are Light Weight, Waterproof, Quite Strong. * Weight 2.1 gm each, Length 2 cm  approx. (Vertically from top with hook)* If status is SOLD, please contact Seema at 0091-9980472151 to place your order. * These can be customized in any color of your choice. * Kindly Note, Although I try to make a replica of first design, but since these are handmade items there can be a 10-20% variation in every repeat order. 
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  • White Blue Flower Face Earrings

    * These Earrings are Handmade using Polymer Clay FIMO from Germany and are and are Light Weight, Waterproof, Quite Strong. * Weight 3.5 gm each, Length 4.5 cm  approx. (Vertically from top with hook)* If status is SOLD, please contact Seema at 0091-9980472151 to place your order. * These can be customized in any color of your choice. * Kindly Note, Although I try to make a replica of first design, but since these are handmade items there can be a 10-20% variation in every repeat order.
    765 Add to cart
  • Light Blue Flower Earrings

    * These Earrings are Handmade using Polymer Clay FIMO from Germany and are and are Light Weight, Waterproof, Quite Strong. * Weight 1.6 gm each, Length 4 cm  approx. (Vertically from top with hook)* If status is SOLD, please contact Seema at 0091-9980472151 to place your order. * These can be customized in any color of your choice. * Kindly Note, Although I try to make a replica of first design, but since these are handmade items there can be a 10-20% variation in every repeat order.
    487 Add to cart
  • Pink Blue Flower Earrings

    * These Earrings are Handmade using Polymer Clay FIMO from Germany and are and are Light Weight, Waterproof, Quite Strong. * Weight 1.8 gm each, Length 3.5 cm  approx. (Vertically from top with hook)* If status is SOLD, please contact Seema at 0091-9980472151 to place your order. * These can be customized in any color of your choice. * Kindly Note, Although I try to make a replica of first design, but since these are handmade items there can be a 10-20% variation in every repeat order.
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  • Cyan White Lotus Hoop

    * These Earrings are Handmade using Polymer Clay FIMO from Germany and are Light Weight, Waterproof, Quite Strong * Weight 3 gm each, Length 3.5 cm  approx. (Vertically from top with hook)* If status is SOLD, please contact Seema at 0091-9980472151 to place your order. * These can be customized in any color of your choice. * Kindly Note, Although I try to make a replica of first design, but since these are handmade items there can be a 10-20% variation in every repeat order.
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  • Turquoise Flower Bunch Earrings

    * These Earrings are Handmade using Polymer Clay FIMO from Germany and are Light Weight, Waterproof, Quite Strong * Weight 3 gm each, Length 3.2 cm (Vertically from top)
    798 Add to cart
  • Monstera Leaf Studs Green Golden

    * These Tiny Monstera Leaf Studs are Handmade using Polymer Clay FIMO from Germany and are Light Weight, Waterproof, Quite Strong * Weight 1.1 gm each, Length 1.4 cm (Vertically from top)
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Clay Flower Earrings: A Beautiful and Unique Addition to Your Jewelry Collection

In the enchanting world of jewelry, clay flower earrings have emerged as a captivating trend, capturing the hearts of those seeking unique and nature-inspired accessories. Seema Clay, a renowned brand known for its exquisite clay jewelry creations, invites you to delve into the allure and charm of their stunning flower earrings. With their commitment to craftsmanship and a deep appreciation for nature, art, and cultural elements, Seema Clay has curated a collection that seamlessly blends elegance with the vibrant beauty of clay..

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